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Disappointing as this article has an inappropriate title, it contains nothing relevant to a "bank".

This is the third of a series of posts about introducing Clojure at an investment bank.

The first and second posts are here



Tangentially, the 'swedish colleague' the author brought in to help with the transition to Clojure is the immensely talented Hakan Raberg (sorry don't know how to type umlauts etc on my keyboard) , who is a good friend and worked with me at ThoughtWorks before he went indie.

Yes, to me the title suggested the article was about the immaturity of Clojure Code (as in not ready for prime time) and it was only upon reading it that I realized it was about the immaturity of the OP's Clojure code as he began his Clojure journey.

It was a nice read. I liked the frankness - no claims to overnight Ninjitsu mastery - and yet I get the feeling it's all pretty solid.

Except that the codebase being written about is in production at an investment bank.

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