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A few months ago there was an incident in China where a young girl was run over by a truck while crossing a street. Nobody stepped in to help, precisely because they were afraid of the legal consequences. The entire thing was recorded on video, and it got a lot of exposure. It was horrific, the kind of thing one wishes you had never seen or heard about.

On the other hand, and thankfully this was a much minor event, my wife once got a traffic ticket for moving her car a few meters past a red light in order to make room for an ambulance. Something like that is enough to make you think twice.

Can't speak about China, but most states in the US have laws to protect people with the proper training from legal exposure (for example if you're giving proper CPR and break a patient's ribs). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Samaritan_law#United_State...

I just watched it, after googling for it. As a dad, I'm sick and want to go home and hug my kids. I can't understand how these people lost their humanity, but I've certainly lost mine towards them.

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