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Interactive SQL Tutorial (sqlzoo.net)
89 points by sonabinu on Nov 4, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

If you want more general knowledge, then db-class.org is pretty awesome too. Going through even some of those materials has probably saved me weeks' worth of work, because not only do you get general SQL knowledge and practice, you get a grounding in theory, XML and NoSQL too.

10gen is conducting free MongoDB classes on edX (MOOC platform by Harvard+MIT+Berkeley) currently.


M101: MongoDB for Developers

M102: MongoDB for DBAs

Thanks for that input ... I was actually looking for something on those lines, appreciate your comment greatly.

thx, that is great info.

Can't reach the site since it's down but another site that I've used and recommend is http://sqlfiddle.com/. Supports several DBMSes

I haven't worked on it in some time (it's still very much alpha; and I keep meaning to release it on github), but I'd love some tips on improving http://sqmight.com. SQLite backend.

your recommendation is real good ... thanks for sharing :)

As someone who started learning databases with NoSQL (mongodb), the familiar syntax (JavaScript) made learning higher order concepts much easier. SQL throws a ton of syntax at you that's only really useful in SQL, and personally put me off learning backend development.

Having something that is "only useful in SQL" really sells it quite short.

SQL is the bread and butter of the data storage world, since it is compatible with more DBMS systems than anything else.

For every mongoDB deployment out there, there will be thousands of Oracle/MSSQL/MySQL/etc databases running critical business functions working with both off the shelf and custom software in everything from family businesses to FTSE 100s.

Besides, SQL is not a fully turing complete language which actually makes it easier to reason about and to evaluate. Not to mention the amount of study it has had (COD NF etc) over the years.

You can do a lot with a Database by understanding a subset of syntax; SELECT , UPDATE , INSERT, DELETE , INNER JOIN , OUTER (LEFT|RIGHT) JOIN.

While you are correct, I still think NoSQL is a better introduction to databases than SQL. Without the syntax learning curve you can quickly interact with a database and get a feel for how it works for the first time. Once you get a hang of the broad db concepts, it could of course make sense to learn SQL given the reasons you've presented.

OTOH, if you're in a mode of operation where you're interacting with data directly with any regularity, SQL syntax is a massive improvement over MongoDB's JS DSL.

Their are two similar sites, one for programming and another for Linux system administration.

http://linuxzoo.net/ and http://progzoo.net

Very nice! Thanks!

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