I really struggle with analysis paralysis as well.
The best treatment I've found when realizing that I'm stuck is to identify the smallest viable action I can take to move the project forward. Often tackling this task is enough to overcome the static friction and get the project moving again. At which point I'm fully immersed in the project context and the larger issues somehow seem less formidable.
On a micro scale, I use pomodoros for this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique), but on a bigger scale, I often find that I'm subconsciously weighed down by worrying about things that I'm not currently doing anything on. Have to remind myself to just get moving and figure things out as I go.
My long streaks of working out almost always start with a couple days at the gym basically screwing around. I know it's not optimal, but it's something, and I gradually get more intentional and serious as I keep going.
Yeah, when I was stuck writing up my thesis, I found it helpful to begin just by something silly. Things like tweaking the layout, or rewording or spot checking parts I'd already written, helped me get in the flow again.
The best treatment I've found when realizing that I'm stuck is to identify the smallest viable action I can take to move the project forward. Often tackling this task is enough to overcome the static friction and get the project moving again. At which point I'm fully immersed in the project context and the larger issues somehow seem less formidable.