1 high end laptop - $1500
1 netbook - $500
2 phones - $500 X 2
2 tablets - $500 + $250
1 ereader - $100
1 cool TV device - $250
accessories $500
Total: $390 per month
It's a lot more than I spend but it definitely isn't super rich level spending. If someone spent $390 owning a nicer car, a fancier kitchen, slightly better apartment, a Harley Davidson, etc. you wouldn't even think about it. I knew students that spent $390 more than me (I spent 0) on clothes.
To be fair, he also owns at least one desktop with several 30 inch screens and probably a nice TV. I admit, when you make it a monthtly cost it's not that high, but 390$ a month is still almost 5k a year, which means most people would be working full time for between 1 and 5 full months a year just to pay for gadgets.
He has money. He likes computers.