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Skeuomorphism's Last Hope (jfornear.co)
6 points by voidfiles on Oct 31, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Hmmm, I have to disagree with the conclusion: "Either skeuomorphism is over and Jack Dorsey isn't the next Steve Jobs, or skeuomorphism isn't over and Jack Dorsey is the next Steve Jobs."

with the thought that it is possible skeuomorphism isn't over and Jack Dorsey is not the next Steve Jobs.

Seriously. Who wrote this, Jack Dorsey's mom?

Or, that whether or not you happen to like skeuomorphism is a necessary condition for being "the next Steve Jobs".

If the most important part of being Steve Jobs is making sure your app has leather in it, then you can witness the work of a few hundred-thousand "next Steve Jobs's" just by browsing the App Store.

Yep, haven't seen such horrible example of logical fallacy in a long time.

Yeah, the end really sent it off a cliff for me as well.

"Deviation from the Apple aesthetic has been risky and mostly unsuccessful (Metro, Zune, etc.)"

I think it's a bit early to call Metro unsuccessful. The fact that Windows Phone has even survived is proof that some people prefer it, since design is all that platform has going for it. Metro's just been attached to fairly weak products until now.

While skeumorphism is a perfectly valid thing to debate, this might've been the most pointless article possible to write about it. Why would Jack Dorsey give a flying fuck if an Apple exec who happened to like it left the company?

What does Jack Dorsey have to do with Apple making changes?

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