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The landing page IMO is missing a few important pieces of information:

- this will not be free post-beta but there's no mention of pricing at all

- the text says 'native' but not which OSes and if the apps can be deployed through the various App Stores

- the rationale for limiting the on-page demo is fine but shouldn't prevent you from linking to a full-feature demo on a secondary page.

Good luck!

Thanks for the feedback! We want (and plan) to have some type of free tier, but we don't have enough data to announce anything concrete yet. It's probably better to wait on that than to redact later =\

iOS + App Store for now, more later after we nail that workflow.

I would use a free version with ads for yourselves after a certain amount of elements are used. Also, is there any way these apps will compile on a Windows machine? I don't need to be deployed to the App Store, i could install via Cydia (.deb) or iFunBox (.ipa) depending on how it works.

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