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Hey HN, we're really excited to announce Propeller. It's the absolute best tool for non-technical folks to build mobile apps for themselves or their businesses.

All of the other "app builder" tools are limited to prototyping UI or generate really subpar webview-based experiences. We're going to change that by letting you build fast, native apps and will store the data you care about.

Would love to hear your thoughts!

I wish the overreaching claims were more honest. In reality tools like this are focussed on a particular subset of application types. For example you couldn't make space invaders using this, and probably not dropbox either.

I far prefer claims saying explicitly what it is good at, rather than implying it would good at any application type.

Well done! I signed up for your beta.

I am on the verge of paying $99 for Appsify.me. They have a web based builder tool and claim to generate code for XCode to compile while allowing apps to be extended in ObjC a needed.

Any thoughts on Appsify.me? Are you taking a similar approach?

This looks very cool, I'm not seeing any TabBar support though.

Just got a tweet from Appsify following this comment: they DO support tabs.

Tons of questions:

1) How far along are you?

2) Pricing Ideas?

3) Target Market?

4) Funded at all?

5) Any available apps built with it yet?

6) "Store the data you care about". Can you elaborate on this?

There's definitely a need for this. Right now I'm around 50% the way through building a web app version of what I need, which will either be "good enough" or just serve as a prototype.

If my v1 isn't native my v2 will be, but I'd rather just go for it with a tool like this.

The email sign-up doesn't work on IE 8 :-(

It didn't work for me on Firefox as well kept saying: Something went wrong :( Refresh and try again

Refreshed, tried again, same thing.

Nothing seems to work in FF these days. =/

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