I keep hearing the lock-in argument over and over and I'm not quite sure that there is a solid basis for it beyond a level of paranoia. It's fine to be paranoid, I just don't want it to hold me back unnecessarily.
Looking at things more closely, the only thing that you're truly locked into with GAE is the esoteric nature of the datastore. This isn't any worse than picking say MySQL vs. Oracle or Riak vs. Mongo. Most applications end up depending on some sort of specific functionality of each database that they are written for. While it would be difficult to migrate to another solution for storing your data, it wouldn't be impossible.
There is no way to predict what direction any product might take in the future. Look at the way that Oracle is treating MySQL now. Tons of vendor lockdown there.
The only reason to migrate away from GAE would be if you find out that your application doesn't work well on it (pricing, scalability, etc) or if Google decides to kill GAE entirely. Hopefully you do the analysis of your application before you decide to use GAE (ie: you can't blame GAE for you deciding to use it) and with a 3 year deprecation promise, I'm pretty confident that it will be around for a while longer.
> The only reason to migrate away from GAE would be if you find out that your application doesn't work well on it (pricing, scalability, etc) or if Google decides to kill GAE entirely. Hopefully you do the analysis of your application before you decide to use GAE (ie: you can't blame GAE for you deciding to use it)
This seem too simplistic. Off the top of my head, you may leave because:
* you want to do something new in your app that is not possible/effective to do within GAE
* you find another option that is cheaper
* you find that some of the assumptions and architectural decisions you took on day 0 no longer hold
* you did the initial analysis, and it was wrong
I do agree with GAE being awesome and lock-in not being so bad, but I doubt the "you have it all figured out before building it so it's going to work forever" idea.
FWIW, I frequently want to do things that are not possible/effective on GAE. And so I do it - several of my GAE apps communicate with services I set up in rackspace cloud (30-40 ms of latency away). It would probably be even lower running in Google's cloud service, but I haven't gotten an invite yet.
GAE is not "all or nothing". You can still run exotic services in other hosts. Or, for that matter, use GAE for specific services in your "other cloud" app. You get two bills. Not much of a downside.
> Looking at things more closely, the only thing that you're truly locked into with GAE is the esoteric nature of the datastore. This isn't any worse than picking say MySQL vs. Oracle or Riak vs. Mongo.
Sure it is. If you pick the wrong DB your only locked into that DB. You pick GAE and you're locked into GAE's DB.... and GAE. I can move my MySql db to another cloud provider.
@latchkey I think you are missing the point the MatthewPhillips is making. With GAE's DB there is nowhere to move, so if you want to move you would have to migrate your data to a different DB engine. If your hosting/cloud provider uses something standard like MySQL you can find another provider or roll your own if you decide to migrate out.
Your analogy of moving to another cloud provider is incorrect. Unless you've been 100% database agnostic, you can't just migrate your schema and data from say MySQL to Postgres.
With the datastore on GAE, you can get your data out of it and move it into something like MongoDB. I'd argue that it would probably be less code to move to MongoDB because the datastore has all sorts of esoteric issues that you have to code around (like the way that entity groups and transactions are handled).
In terms of the rest of your application, it is just a standard webapp in whatever platform you choose. The .war file I have for GAE will run just fine in Tomcat. The only real lockin is the way you store your data.
Looking at things more closely, the only thing that you're truly locked into with GAE is the esoteric nature of the datastore. This isn't any worse than picking say MySQL vs. Oracle or Riak vs. Mongo. Most applications end up depending on some sort of specific functionality of each database that they are written for. While it would be difficult to migrate to another solution for storing your data, it wouldn't be impossible.
There is no way to predict what direction any product might take in the future. Look at the way that Oracle is treating MySQL now. Tons of vendor lockdown there.
The only reason to migrate away from GAE would be if you find out that your application doesn't work well on it (pricing, scalability, etc) or if Google decides to kill GAE entirely. Hopefully you do the analysis of your application before you decide to use GAE (ie: you can't blame GAE for you deciding to use it) and with a 3 year deprecation promise, I'm pretty confident that it will be around for a while longer.