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When I saw the title I half expected to be something akin to http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/famous-small-offthegrid-work...

My comments are entirely related to staying focused when coding. For the days when I am in manager mode things are different, and I am not sure if "focus" is always the right mode there.

I've always found myself preferring long unbroken periods of flow for coding. That for me comes from a quiet space much like the writer's huts described above. That to me has been my perfect setup to stay focused.

Though I have never tried Pomodoro, the idea of something disturbing me every 25 minutes sounds ghastly. When I really need to work I simply close all programs on my computer that are non essential and close all tabs that are non essential. No gmail, no twitter, no facebook. Then I go into a room, sometimes turn off the lights and just code :-)

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