I have a few months of runway. My previous engineer was my dad, and didn't have a sense of urgency about it. I have a month or two of runway now, and every time there's a bug to fix, that bug is the most important thing ever--because until it's fixed, I'm not delivering my users the experience they deserve. They could be elsewhere, doing something else.
Neovella withered not for lack of interest--it withered because it was spec'd out by an idea person straight out of school with an economics degree, and engineer who insisted on building everything in C# :)
I think SignalR and WebApi would be perfectly suited to this type of project, @neoveller. Add some KnockoutJS and host in on Azure for the total package - all for free with BizSpark. Anyhow, I'm being slightly facetious, but you really can't blame the tech stack :)
Neovella withered not for lack of interest--it withered because it was spec'd out by an idea person straight out of school with an economics degree, and engineer who insisted on building everything in C# :)