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It's really cool. Care to explain why do you have http://mbostock.github.com/d3/d3.v2.min.js in header that has only one line - links to actual d3 at http://d3js.org/d3.v2.min.js? Am I missing some reasoning behind this? It doesn't seem very reasonable. Adds two unnecesary hops to two different domains? If you dont want to host d3 why not just reference it directly in header from d3js.org?

Edit: Oh, and how you distort svg to make it look spherical while dragging? This is very cool.

I hadn't noticed that re-direct. Thanks and fixed.

All of the SVG magic is D3.js and simply modified from this sweet example by Mike Bostock: http://mbostock.github.com/d3/talk/20111018/azimuthal.html

Edit: Oddly, I'm noticing that the title of Mike's page is "Afghanistan", which is the one country in the GEOJSON I'm using that doesn't render properly... (it shows empty like a 2nd Caspian Sea)

I was just looking at Mike Bostock's example, and there are also some rendering problems for Afghanistan there.

Maybe it has something to do with Afghanistan being the first country in an alphabetical list? I'd try putting another country in the first position in the data table and see if the rendering problem switches locations.

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