I'm staring at the page and wondering "WTF is NFC"? And it's not till 1/3 down the page.
And then the possibilities opened up by this magical NFC aren't listed for another 2/3's down the page (Launch your favorite iOS Apps, Open URLs, Play YouTube videos).
Ugh, horrible sales pitch. Sell me immediately on the possibilities of NFC upfront.
thanks for feedback aantix. I'm glad you got through the whole page though. man... we went through so many iterations, writes, re-writes, addressed a ton of constructive feedback, and at one point when the haze cleared, a weary finger extended and pressed launch. not dismissing your comment or our hard work. we did good.
And then the possibilities opened up by this magical NFC aren't listed for another 2/3's down the page (Launch your favorite iOS Apps, Open URLs, Play YouTube videos).
Ugh, horrible sales pitch. Sell me immediately on the possibilities of NFC upfront.