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Very cool. Personally I find animated maps to be the easiest way to digest this kind of data (like the animation of nuclear testing[1] or walmart proliferation[2]). Looks like it would only take a few lines of javascript to accomplish this kind of "flipbook" animation. Just a thought -- great job regardless.

[1] http://www.ctbto.org/specials/1945-1998-by-isao-hashimoto/

[2] http://blog.kiwitobes.com/?p=51

Here's an animated-gif version of the American territorial changes map, found on Reddit: http://i.imgur.com/5wZX0.gif

It's just the maps in the Wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_evolution_of_the_Un...) turned into a flipbook animation, as you suggest.

This will give you a basic animation. Click on the first frame to expand that map, then enter this into your browser Javascript console to make it animate:

    a = function(){$('#next').click();b()};

    b = function(){setTimeout(a,500);};

Or as a one liner:

a = function(){$('#next').click();b()};b = function(){setTimeout(a,500);};b()

It really depends. Experiments comparing the effects of animated maps and "small multiples" are mixed:

"We found that map readers answer more quickly and identify more patterns correctly when using animated maps than when using static small-multiple maps. We also found that pace and cluster coherence interact so that different paces are more effective for identifying certain types of clusters (none vs. subtle vs. strong)."[1]

"In cases where animated graphics seem superior to static ones, scrutiny reveals lack of equivalence between animated and static graphics in content or procedures; the animated graphics convey more information or involve interactivity. Animations of events may be ineffective because animations violate the second principle of good graphics, the Apprehension Principle, according to which graphics should be accurately perceived and appropriately conceived. Animations are often too complex or too fast to be accurately perceived." [2]

[1] http://www.geogra.uah.es/patxi/griffin06_mapas_animados.pdf

[2] http://web.cs.dal.ca/~sbrooks/csci4166-6406/seminars/reading...

From the first link, it was fascinating watching the rapidly increasing number of tests through the sixties to the late eighties and then the sudden drop to almost nothing shortly after 1990. Really highlights how abrupt the end to the cold war was (and how scary it must have been for those in the know while it was going on!).

Wow, I was not aware the French tested nuclear weapons in Africa.

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