If there are things that harm people, they should get banned.
Draw a clear line. But be careful where you draw the line. In the 50s, a reddit about interracial marriage might have been considered harmful and in some places illegal.
Wherever you draw it, remember the right is going to use it to say any subreddit about gays is actually about pedophiles.
"But be careful where you draw the line. In the 50s, a reddit about interracial marriage might have been considered harmful and in some places illegal."
And that's the point. What is and isn't acceptable is fluid and subjective. Reddit says "If it's not illegal, it's OK. Talk to your lawmaker if you don't like it." Which is the same stance search engines take as well.
Reddit doesn't have to be, and I don't think should be, an arbiter of legality, let alone taste. People are complaining at the wrong people, just because they're closest.
Draw a clear line. But be careful where you draw the line. In the 50s, a reddit about interracial marriage might have been considered harmful and in some places illegal.
Wherever you draw it, remember the right is going to use it to say any subreddit about gays is actually about pedophiles.
And mob justice against people who violate your social norms goes both ways. In many countries that serves to further victimize victims of oppression, e.g. http://feministing.com/2012/10/18/well-you-did-dare-to-speak...