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Hey can you share the link of the RTE that you wrote. Interested to see that.


I was messing with it last week and looks like I broke list handling.

This is somewhat unrelated, but how did you change the scroll thumb colour in OS X ML in that site? All other pages have gray scroll thumb.

When the background-color of the <body> is dark Chrome/Safari use a lighter thumb colour (Squarespace has a background colour of #181818).

Amazing site. All the best with the company!

you own that company or work there? I need a job! I see you're hiring front-end developers... I think I'll apply tonight

I work there. It's a great place to work.

I live in southern california though... I wonder if they help out with relocation? I'll shoot my resume over.. I dig the site it looks fresh and a good service..

What do you guys use on the backend?

SS6 is java (no framework), rabbitmq, mongo, memcached with node providing services like less compilation.

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