In hindsight my phrasing came across as very insulting and if I could edit it now, I would. Please note that the intent was merely to snarkily question his domain knowledge regarding Web development, and not to assert he was clearly an incompetent.
I also fully admit that as an undergraduate student, I am nowhere near as impressive as the Stanford PhD student (though you could have chosen a more fair comparison than between a copy-edited resume and a skimming of my "GitHub resume"). I do humbly submit that MathQuill is more substantive than any JavaScript project you or Edward Yang has ever created (or than your or his contributions to any JavaScript project).
I also fully admit that as an undergraduate student, I am nowhere near as impressive as the Stanford PhD student (though you could have chosen a more fair comparison than between a copy-edited resume and a skimming of my "GitHub resume"). I do humbly submit that MathQuill is more substantive than any JavaScript project you or Edward Yang has ever created (or than your or his contributions to any JavaScript project).