What if the winning hackers win at two of your events, and are funded for two different companies but aren't interested in the problem after the weekend - except for the running around money.
Is the money in the form of 'a gift which could be used to run a company for a couple of months'?
Who would collect the money, just one of them in their bank account?
Who monitors the teams afterwards - or is that just up to the your sponsor/the investor?
Basically, I like the idea - but I'd be tempted to use it to allow me space to concentrate on my primary software idea more, rather than a 3 day event health hackathon solution. As an investor, I'd be worried that I'd be 'herding cats' getting three teams of three random people (for example) to continue a project they don't genuinely care about and eventually have just lost that money.
-What if the winning hackers win at two of your events...
-Being that this is invite only - I don't plan on having the same teams at two events.
-Is the money in the form of 'a gift...
-Nope, it's an actual seed investment from an angel group. Terms, equity, etc. will apply (but don't have to be accepted if you'd rather bootstrap)
-Who would collect the money, just one of them in their bank account?
-Good question, and one I need to think more on. The assumption, since it's an investment, is that they'd create a Delaware C corp and it would be property of the newly founded company. We're not directly involved in this process but will be trying to help keep things moving smoothly.
-RE Herding cats:
-Most investments will come after a 3 month 'build-a-thon' for teams that impressed their investor/company partner. Band of Angel investments (aka prizes) might happen at the end of the weekend.