Enough with the linkbait pitches. Tell me it's easy, great, I could be interested. Tell me it only takes 10 seconds. that's BS. Look, I just picked up a soldering iron! My new hardware project is underway in only 2 seconds!! - 5 times faster than AndroidKickstartR by simply switching to dedicated hardware!
(cue a slew of blog posts about starting your next _________ project in only 100 millseconds, because that's about how long the human brain takes to form a new thought.)
Seriously, there's such a thing as overselling. Give me less wank and better inline documentation. I like the concept a good deal, but not the way it is presented.
Really. This is Hacker News and we're presumably interested in a little more depth.
There's no sense in optimizing the "start building an Android app" process in and of itself. If you ignore the time it takes to launch Eclipse (which, to be fair, runs about 45 minutes), I can start an Android app project in less than 10 seconds too, not counting the time it takes to create a github repo. The important part is what happens after the project is set up: building and maintaining your software.
(cue a slew of blog posts about starting your next _________ project in only 100 millseconds, because that's about how long the human brain takes to form a new thought.)
Seriously, there's such a thing as overselling. Give me less wank and better inline documentation. I like the concept a good deal, but not the way it is presented.