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While I (and she) do agree that she's not the best person to represent women in tech (she says so herself) a lot of people who have been do agree in the comments, and she does work with a big company that does development (.net, Windows Phone work, design and everything else in between too in a giant open plan office. So she does see more than you'd initially think)

That's like saying "I work as a nurse in a hospital in the 1950s". Sure, you may see some sexism second hand, but if you're a female doctor in the same position, it's a totally different experience.

The primary thing I didn't like about the author's article was that her criticism of the original article (which were totally valid, by the way) kind of concluded with the impression (given by her anecdotal experience) that "sexism isn't as bad as it's made out to be, look, I haven't seen any."

The truth is it is there, and it can be pretty bad in some cases, although these scare articles by the author she was criticizing isn't really giving any meaningful advice on how to do deal with it.

Interesting she works in a big shop... coincides with my experiences that larger orgs tend to be more comfortable/friendly to women.

Of course. But is it any less valid that she says than Faruk, a guy. He's particularly talking about sexism for women - something by his own line he can never understand or experience.

I'm not saying her opinion is more or less valid than Faruk's, but in terms of the antecdotal "arguments" of her blog her authority may be less meaningful than, say, someone who works with 99% male neckbeards hacking linux kernel for 15 years (just as his anecdotal arguments would be less valuable than hers).

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