We require a LARGE quantity of money and the services of a team of _mega-hackers_ to write the software for this system. Most of the hardware devices are, even as you read this, available as off-the-shelf items, just waiting to be plugged into each other so they can put an end to "THE RECORD BUSINESS" as we now know it.
The call to disrupt, decades too early. The media landscape might look very different if Zappa had gotten somewhere with this.
Yes, it's sad that he became to ill before his planned run for president. Although he'd have failed miserably, even the thought of seeing him debating with Bush and Perot is worth something ;).
He was nearly special ambassador to the West on trade, culture and tourism for Czechoslovakia under Havel, but the idea was stomped on by US secretary of state James Baker for Zappa insulting his wife. http://www.theroc.org/roc-mag/textarch/roc-08/roc0816b.htm
"... a stuffed giraffe that squirted whipped cream on the audience."
Washington Senator Slade Gorton telling him to pipe down for mimicking Mrs. Baker's Southern accent in a Senate hearing. I would _love_ to see some video of that. C-SPAN archives?
The call to disrupt, decades too early. The media landscape might look very different if Zappa had gotten somewhere with this.