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Heh, that's why I always fake address details when I'm checking out cable or DSL options. Of course they're going to use the personal information you enter for marketing purposes, that's why they ask for specifics like apartment number and your mobile number that they don't need to determine service availability.

that's a clever way of sticking it to them, jrock. i feel sorry for my neighbors already.

You don't use valid addresses, of course. If you're in apartment 2R, you say apartment 10B or something.

It is possible to enter completely fake information, rather than someone else's address. (For example, aside from the burden on the post office, I think entering a street address for an apartment complex without an apartment number harms no one.)

Though unfortunately the mailman is usually smart enough to route that kind of mail if the name on it is correct.

Actually, it's quite difficult to fail to send someone a letter. The post office does try pretty hard to deliver mail.

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