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I'm too lazy to install Go just to try this (I would need to, right?) but reading through the docs this looks far more appealing to me than tent.io. Nice work, at least with respect to the general design. Flexible.

Thanks for the reminder. Getting binary builds up is on our to-do list, so check back soon for those.

In the mean time, installing Go is pretty easy (you can use brew, or the official OSX package (assuming you are on OSX) http://golang.org/doc/install) and we've tried to leave clear steps for building NSQ here https://github.com/bitly/nsq/blob/master/INSTALLING.md (there really are very few dependencies other than go itself)

Cheers. I have installed Go before and messed around with it. I agree it's pretty good as far as being self-contained and straightforward. I just don't have the energy to keep chasing a moving target. For my purposes, I'm more interested in stuff that is stable and rarely changes.

If you can produce binaries for UNIX (Linux, BSD, etc), OSX and Windows, I'll be impressed. That's something I was interested in doing with Go (is it possible to cross-compile?) but never managed to learn.

Since the Go1 release, Go is not a moving target anymore. Stable releases are rare and there are binary packages available if you are so inclined.

Go compilers, being derived from Plan 9, are always cross compiling. To cross compile you just set and export GOARCH and GOOS to your target, for example:

  GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build foo.bar/baz
Would build foo.bar/baz for 32 bit Windows from any system that has Go and ran make.bash --no-clean with those variables set. More interesting is building for ARM:

  GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm CGO_ENABLED=0 go build foo.bar/baz

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