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Thanks for the suggestion. It's in!

No, thank you! Much more usable now, there's also a couple other markup changes that need to be done, planning on open sourcing this?

Yeah. After I 'unshitify' a bit of it.

Try open sourcing it before it gets unshitty.

I'm trying it myself, just putting things out there and saying "to hell with it" because, ultimately, unshitifying things is Zeno's paradox kind of work; you're never really done. And, really, it's probably better than you think anyway.

The urge to move his <script> tags from under the <html> tags is killing me D:

Vu0tran, as you can see, others would be more than happy to help you with "unshitifying".

Which of Zeno's paradoxes are you alluding to? I can't find any that fits the analogy. (i.e. never-ending work due to perfectionism)

I think he's referring to the discrete-motion paradox - that you can never reach the other side of the room because you must first go halfway, and before that you must first go 1/4 of the way, and before that...

It's not the greatest analogy in the world, but it sort of works in that it illustrates the fractal-like nature of bug-squashing.

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