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Everything has to start somewhere. Unfortunately, this starting point has moved since the iPhone first came out. Microsoft learned this with Windows Phone; there is reasonable (but low) adoption, unfortunately due to missing features that developers and users consider to be standard, the ecosystem is still missing a few apps and some of the existing apps are/were (things have improved a little since 7.5) lower-featured than those same apps on other platforms. Windows Phone 7 would have been the best thing ever invented if it was released in 2007. Firefox OS would be as well. Windows 95 would have been magic when it was released in 1985.

Everything has to start somewhere. But where it ends up is highly dependent on how far it was when it was released.

True, but being the open project it is, Firefox OS doesn't have the same kind of market pressure that WP, for example, does. They haven't even launched (in any consumer-facing sense), so it might be a little early to judge the platform.

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