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Was the salt crystal image scary? Boo hoo!

It was from Dave Herman, and it was not intended to be scary at all. It's appealing to physics and chemistry nerds. Salt has had a bad rap, to borrow from Montgomery Burns on eggs.

This is descending into silly-season political talk. Google chose the NaCl + Pepper pun. They can take the scary images, if those images truly are scary.

BTW, Chris Blizzard works for Facebook now.

Back to more serious topics...

UPDATE: to be fair to blizzard, he was objecting (as bz reminds me) on behalf of Mozilla to paving the web with x86 or other machine-dependent code, however compiled. Mozilla still opposes more such machine-specific plugin code. Think of NaCl as a safer plugin compiler, nothing more. We believe the Web should not need plugins to fill decade-long gaps from the '90s that real "coopetition" among browsers in standards bodies can fill much sooner, without the problems that plugins bring.

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