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Too late to edit, but did a bit more research.

Turns out there's a few other academic families (that's PhD advisor lineage, not genetic) that have received >2 Nobel Prizes.

Of note there are 2 other direct Nobel-to-Nobel lineages of 3 generations:

1) I. I. Rabi -> Julian Schwinger->{Ben R. Mottelson, Sheldon Lee Glashow, Roy Glauber, Walter Kohn, Samuel Chao Chung Ting}

2) Eugene Wigner->John Bardeen->J. Robert Schrieffer

Rabi seems to be a good academic grandfather.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_genealogy_of_theoretic...

... which makes Rabi an astoundingly effective supervisor.

Agreed. I am surprised we don't see this more actually. A good PhD advisor can make a world of difference if s/he is working with a good student. Also, you maintain that connection throughout your career and tend to work together (even if informally). Seems like Rabi knew what he was doing.

Also Ramsey->Kleppner-> Wolfgang Ketterle and and William D. Phillips

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