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It's in the Apple App Store ( http://itunes.apple.com/app/classicmap/id566173771?mt=8 ). I presume that means Apple have looked at it, and approved it, and it won't be yanked in a while for breaking any terms of service,


No, it'll get removed; the App Store Approval process is a sham, and this is absolutely breaking the Google Maps TOS.

In this case the breach may be very obvious - but Apple's review process is not about compliance with third-party TOS.

Hi tmcw. Two questions for clarification

1) How is the review process a sham?

2) How is the app breaking Google's TOS?

1) Because there's very little evidence that malicious applications are successfully filtered (many get in), and much evidence that nitpicky comments keep 'good' applications waiting.

2) https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#tos_tiles

Don't know about no 1 but Google's TOS explicitly forbids the rendering of Google tiles outside a Google application, you can only use them in conjunction with Google's own Maps API.

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