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1: I've been long TSLA since the IPO - I simply bought more stock with cash on hand. I'm not just median riding - although that is a relatively effective strategy for high earning companies/growth.

2: Risk is risk - TANSTAAFL. Great Depression risk is there just as there is nuclear war risk. I take it because I can. I try and make sure I pay the right rates though.

3: DJIA is not the entire market - it's a highly constrained subset.

4: Following past strategies does have positive value - it's what investing (and everything thing you know) is all about.

You live and die by induction.

Thinking that you are high on your black swan horse by stating otherwise is pointless.

Decisions need to be made and money needs to be correctly invested under uncertainty. Taleb guys bore me.

Heh heh fair enough if you've heard it all before and it's only your own money that you are risking, all credit to you.

That's great that your TSLA investment is doing so well! My mum bought me some BHP shares in the early 80s that are doing great too. Thanks Mum!

But I still think it's not really being honest to say that the key to investing is as simple as not selling in a crisis.

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