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It will not save you, but... it works very well for tablet surfing, which is a must...

Mass market adoption of tablets is just around the corner. With a very large number of affordable tablets on the market (Google/Amazon/B&N and the illusive Mac 7"-er later this week) this xmas will surely cause a landslide in traffic patterns.

Case in point: one of my clients (hospitality industry) has seen site traffic go from 5% mobile to 20%+ in little under a year. The iPad alone is responsible for 3/4 of that 20% these days. We're expecting 25-30% by the end of Q1 of 2013 (worldwide traffic, sooner if we look at the US market alone). Of interest perhaps, iPad:iPhone ratio now 4.7:1 (was the other way around a year ago)

Don't mind the digg design on my tablets, though I'd be fine with a different lay-out on the PC. Google+ does a great job of mobile vs tablet vs PC layout.

I absolutely LOVE the MySpace design as shown in the demo video, though I doubt it will be easy to fit all typical content into that framework (I see a lot of pretty demo data, now let me see the ugly user posts).

I've found the Pulse news app to have the best layout for tablet. It's balanced, symmetric, utilitarian, etc. and each row/news source scrolls horizontally. If it had a jagged layout with larger images and only vertical scrolling like Pinterest or the new Digg, it wouldn't be near as good.

Screenshot: http://i1-handheld.softpedia-static.com/images/software/scre...

I agree, Pulse is nice. There are others too.

My favorite app that covers and combines (but does not enforce) the utilitarian and visual options and on the iPad is the reddit client AlienBlue (Jasmine for youtube by the same guy, is good tool).

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