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Oatmeal fundraiser for Tesla museum is a triumph (boingboing.net)
101 points by taytus on Oct 8, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This Oatmeal guy is a genius when it comes to internet psychology and going viral. He has also figured out how to translate his talent directly into dollars. I'm very, very impressed.

The way he balances crass humor with sonewhat profoubd psychological insights, viral self-promotion with altruism (cancer donation, rallying against SOPA and this) is quite impressive. I don't know of another individual quite as deft.

I think it's a little bit early to say it's a triumph. Isn't the end goal to have an actual museum of Tesla at that place ?

The goal of the campaign was to purchase the Wardenclyffe property and prevent its demolition. It's a fundamental step on the road of creating the museum.

The fundraiser raised funds. Success.

They're obviously going to need to come up with much more money, but the fact that they have now purchased the land is a monster step.

Really psyched to see how this plays out. Especially since I grew up on the East End of LI and still live relatively close by.

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