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Emacs for Xcode+ios Development (roupam.github.com)
78 points by zaph0d on Oct 8, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

I got excited, and then saw it was a blog post, not a repo. Which, I think, is an interesting reaction, itself.

Completely separately, this looks like a great tutorial. I've been dragging my heels about getting into OS X/iOS development, and this just might be the kick in the pants I need.

Hoping to make it a repo soon :)

This might actually finally close the loop on doing some solid mobile development from my iPad (through Prompt or the like, of course). Not that I'd do heavy-duty coding on the road, but it'd be nice to try once or twice.

For me the most interesting find here was fruitstrap, hadn't seen that before, and I had been looking few years ago!

That'd make automated testing on device a lot more promising, and on cursory googling, people have used fruitstrap with jenkins.

That is nice, but I use vim. Any tutorial on how to do this from vim/MacVim?

For vim, there's lots of good stuff:

- https://github.com/eraserhd/vim-ios

- http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2674

- Clang-Complete, which gives you XCode's Clang autocompletion in vim https://github.com/Rip-Rip/clang_complete

If you like Xcode you can try out the XVim[1] plugin for Xcode. It's still pretty alpha but it works pretty well for me.

1. https://github.com/JugglerShu/XVim

Agreed, it's the best solution currently available. I use it daily.

That's good to hear. If you find any bugs we try to squash them as fast as we can if you add an issue. Good bug writers are a huge benefit with this type of plugin(tough to fix edge cases without this) so I encourage you to report any issues you encounter with a detailed bug report. Patches are always welcome too.

It's just amazing. From this introduction, I learned how to generate TAGS and feed it to Emacs for the first time, and make up a custom "anything buffer" to capture any lines that I wish.

Awesome X one million billion times.

Thank you, roupam.

I'm glad you liked it. :)

This looks pretty excellent. I will be trying this out later.

Tried it. It works great! :)

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