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Yes, this is CompSci, not software engineering

Then perhaps the author shouldn't be presenting them as practical issues, and claim that people who don't know the answers either shouldn't be programmers, or work in some tiny niche. You read the context article he linked to, right?

Just to get the facts straight, the linked article had this to say:

If you can't answer the majority of the questions on these four papers, and you're working or intend to work as a software developer, you should ask yourself why — most likely you're either you're missing something you really should know, or you're lucky enough to be working within a narrow area where your deficit doesn't matter.

The reader can judge for themselves whether this is claiming that "people who don't know the answers shouldn't be programmers." I personally find that characterization rather rude toward the author.

> or you're lucky enough to be working within a narrow area where your deficit doesn't matter

This implies that non-algorithmic work is a narrow area. In my experience, it's the vast majority.

I agree, non-algorithmic work is the vast majority of programming work today because most of it is related to Application Programming.

The reason for this is that most Application Programming emphasizes the use and sufficient knowledge of a framework, rather than a full understanding of CS fundamentals.

While those with CS have a head start in understanding frameworks quickly and utilizing them effectively, self-taught programmers can catch up rather quickly if the framework is well written and geared towards them. And fast majority of frameworks trend towards this.

Application programmers generally need to know the ins and outs of a framework and this knowledge often carries them further than the fundamentals.

All that being said, after 10 years of application programming, I'm slowly trying to re-learn much of my CS material out of my own personal interest and get off the framework treadmill. It's been a fun process to rediscover fundamentals after learning them over 10 years ago.

But let's be realistic about it, most app programmers have no interest in CS fundamentals or theory unless it has some direct context to their daily work.

Just as an anecdote from a self-taught, I few years ago I started in on GoF and got about 100 pages in before I came to the conclusion that a lot of what I'd read so far and was attempting to incorporate into my knowledgebase is already a part of the languages I'm currently using.

I know there's a use for these details, I want to learn them, but I suspect that many times the direct context is built-in, which is pretty much what you say about learning frameworks, which may be possible to consider as dialects of a language. In fact, by Googling I see that people have written about language subsets in the context of Lisp, so full-circle I go.

You've only seen 1/4 of the exam so far. Sure, there's plenty of software development which doesn't involve fancy algorithms or data structures... avoiding computer architecture, operating systems, mathematics, networking, databases, and distributed systems as well is a bit harder.

I see that you're the author. Thanks for replying!

> Sure, there's plenty of software development which doesn't involve fancy algorithms or data structures... avoiding computer architecture, operating systems, mathematics, networking, databases, and distributed systems as well is a bit harder.

This is at odds with the statement in your article that jumped out at me:

"If you can't answer the majority of the questions on these four papers, and you're working or intend to work as a software developer, you should ask yourself why--"

I disagree, and furthermore, adding more topics means that your assertion is going to be less accurate.

Of course, it's better to know more, and I'm glad to have a computer science degree. However, I think that conflating having a computer science background and general software development is confirmation bias. I don't have data to back me up, but I believe that it's more common to simply not need to know what a bipartite graph is, or even a majority set of these topics. Given the theoretical grounding of the question in your first block, I'm guessing that parts 2-4 will be similarly structured.

Computer science is one slice of software development. Software development is a huge, deep field. A software development exam could just as easily contain an exam including the following topics: communicating effectively through email, distilling requirements from customers, writing meaningful commit messages, testing theory, or hundreds of other non-theoretical topics.

What I'm trying to say is that your exam is a good reminder of computer science at the root of many of the fields of knowledge in software, and is fun, but it's not representative of software development. In a given year, most software developers are going to spend more time puzzling through garden-variety implementation bugs than thinking about any two of the questions you list. Which is why they're not "lucky". :)

Yeah, but they are really important to know for interviews. Which of course may or may not have anything to do with the actual life of a developer, but that's life.

whenever prospective employer has this type of CS trivia questions I lose interest to work in that environment regardless if I know or don't know answers. It shows lack of maturity and experience to understand what are actually characteristics to look for to determine good developer. This type of questions might be useful for non experienced candidates but it is fairly counterproductive for experienced candidates

Last year I interviewed a BigCorp which was all about these interviews. The first guy clearly told me that the project was sort of stuck and they needed to sprint to make it happen.

The interview was 99% math. The people who asked me question looked all smart alecs and their questions all seemed to indicate that they wanted to show me how intelligent they are, and how stupid I am.

By the end of the interview it was clear to me why they were stuck. Those people had absolutely no interest in building things. It was all about individual One-upmanship, and showing their little math and puzzle tricks they would have gathered by combined reading on the internet over the years.

I guess it depends if you interpret:

> you should ask yourself why

As referring to "you can't answer the majority of the questions" or "you're working or intend to work as a software developer". I read it as the latter, but I guess it could also be read as the former.

The intention was "why don't you know these things", in the sense of "I really think you should go out and learn / re-learn these areas, because I think it's very likely that knowing them better will help you produce better code".

It depends on the country.

My degree in Portugal was a 5 year degree with lectures from computer science and software engineering.

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