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An Introduction to Computer Networks (stanford.edu)
83 points by tdrnd on Oct 7, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

This sounds like a nice course if you want a theoretical, academic intro to computer networking if you already have a hands-on networking background and want to think more abstractly about networking.

As a network engineer, unfortunately it sounds like this course will likely be rather detached from the knowledge required for day-to-day enterprise or carrier networking, such as how to set up redundant network links or allocate IP space. I'm not saying Stanford needs to offer a free Cisco CCNA bootcamp, but there is an opportunity for a balanced course. I find a surprisingly high number of "network engineers" who can't explain how DNS name resolution works, or the purpose of an IP subnet mask.

What I have found to be an EXCELLENT intro to practical networking is Juniper's Networking Fundamentals self-guideed online training. Although offered by Juniper, it's 100% vendor neutral. Details at https://learningportal.juniper.net/juniper/user_activity_inf...

Thanks for the link! This is just what I needed.

Being a CS graduate myself, I can say that your concerns about being detached from knowledge required for day-to-day enterprise is something I can totally relate to. I clearly remember that a LOT of my classmates had paid for a separate set of a classes focused around teaching more practical and hands-on networking stuff. Certainly there's a gap here and it would be great if Coursera comes out with some course which addresses this.

I've had a quick look at some of the week 1 lessons (which are up already) and it looks like it provides a great introduction to networking; also seems fairly practical to me. E.g. have a look at this one: "A day in the life of a packet" [Week 1] ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0TJ8szp4AE

This is fortunate. I've been looking for a good networks introduction and there doesn't seem to be many online networks courses.

As for literature, is there any text that most people agree is a good start into networks? I'm interested in the OSI model and other network architecture and design principles.

I'm taking the class at Stanford and the recommended reading is Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by Kurose & Ross

Does anyone know a good resource to learn "a strong understanding of bits and bytes, and knowledge of how computers lay out data in memory"

Petzold's book "Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software" is good. It starts too gently, and ramps up too quickly.


The Art of Electronics Lab Book has plans for building a computer and it's pretty well documented, although very old.


Another good way to learn is to find a circuit diagram and run it by pencil. Just like people learn programming by writing code on paper and running the software with a pencil; writing the variables and such. Here's one (http://www.nathandumont.com/sites/nathandumont.com/files/ima...) (not a great example) but you try to work out what values you need where to get various bits working.

When you get a better circuit diagram you can create a memory map. Here's a link that describes what I mean. (http://www.clear.rice.edu/elec201/Book/hardware.html)

Good Luck!

"Elements of Computing Systems" is relatively compact and freely available online:


You might learn the most by doing the first 6-8 projects.

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective by Bryant and O'Hallaron might be a good resource. It also covers things like assembly code and caching that you might not be interested in, but its a solid introduction to the low level details on how computers work. Its used in my university (and many others) in the Introduction to Computer Systems course.

Why are there so many breakaway online courses why cant all of them just choose one format and platform. Coursera has a number of Stanford courses they could have chosen it.

I welcome it. It's still really early in the game, the more competing platforms the faster the platforms will have to innovate. The inconvenience to the student is pretty minor, really.

Agreed. I think the actual reason, in this case, is that Stanford isn't sure it's comfortable putting courses on a private company's platform in the long run. So they've made the strategic decision to hire a team and build their own platform, giving them full control.

This makes total sense; we don't really know what direction Coursera and Udacity are headed as businesses, nor even what online education is going to look like or who the students will be. For Stanford, having the option to cut ties with Coursera is critical to Stanford's goal of being a leader in online university-level courses. And the platform is open source, meaning that depending on what happens, it could become a standard that more and more schools adopt.

And I, like you, think this is good for everyone. The more different the players are this early in the game, the more likely that at least one of them ends up doing it right.

I remember learning the basics of networking in 1989 from the "The Linux Network Administrator's Guide", which is/was part of the Linux Documentation Project.

It focuses on the software aspect of things, but IMHO it is still a good read for introduction.

My favorite book on the topic (covers hardware and software) is:

"Computer Networks" by Larry L. Peterson & Bruce S. Davie.

Did you mean 1998? Linux did not exist until '91.

Watched the first 2 or 3 videos,but i had a problem submitting my answers.It would reject my answer and fail to move to the next section of the lecture while at the same time not allowing me to click on either the hints or solutions tab.I was frustrated enough to logout.

thank you so much for sharing this, I have the same module in my first year as a Applied Computing student, so this should help me dig more deeply into it. Could someone recommend the best programming related / IT in general courses for me to take? Regular university pace is too slow for me. Thank you so much.

btw, though it says that class doesn't start until Oct 08, materials are already up, so log in and get started!

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