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The dot enter mixtape: d3.js tutorial videos (enjalot.github.com)
107 points by enjalot on Oct 3, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Great tutorials! Btw, I find a thumbnail view easier to follow: http://vimeo.com/search/sort:alphabetical/format:detail?q=%2...

Really nice tutorials, the background music is nice too, the pace is pretty fast as well which is something you don't usually see on tutorials, however this is way better than a slow presentation which makes it unbearable to watch after a point. Never used d3.js before, however i really enjoyed the tutorials. I ended up watching 3-4 of them and got interested on the library.

The only negative comment i guess i can make (as a suggestion) is that on some videos the music is a bit high which ends up overlapping with your voice.

thanks, this means a lot because that's exactly what i was going for! i also figured out how to use screenflow better like 5 videos into the process, so hopefully the sound will be better balanced from now on.

I like the freestyle music in the background. Makes the videos seem more on-the-spot.

thanks! it helps me keep on time and makes things a little more fun

Very cool! D3 was intimidating to me, and personally screencasts similar to this are helpful when trying to get a broad overview of a library. Even better, all the code for each video is provided with a live code editor.

d3.js tutorials have been sorely lacking. Glad to see you put this up, cheers.

This is so awesome. These are the d3 screencasts I've been waiting for.

Any thoughts on d3 vs raph? I lean towards raph, but d3 looks nice,too.

i haven't played too much with raphael.js, but it seems convenient for vector drawing, and i hear its pretty quick to get started with. d3 really shines when it comes to data-driven graphics, and it's a much broader set of tools for data visualization in the browser. it also has a steeper learning curve, which i'm trying to alleviate with these videos!

This is cool. What live code editor is that?

it's my project called Tributary http://enjalot.com

Very very cool project... I will be using this a lot. I put it on my site if you don't mind :) http://pineapple.io/resources/tributary

Thanks for this - very cool! Also, thanks for the videos!

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