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> Apple has also pledged "thermonuclear war" to "destroy Android"

In fairness, this was a comment made by Steve Jobs. Apple never made such a pledge and Steve Jobs is no longer at Apple.

That's correct but not particularly important to the discussion. Jobs set the direction for the company, a direction the company continues to take after his untimely passing.

Sure, Jobs set the direction. He also passed less than a year ago, months after the Samsung case began. Nothing changes that fast, so it's not clear at all that Apple's management wants to continue down that path in the future.

In fact, you don't have to look far to find "industry insiders" who claim just the opposite. Current CEO Tim Cook publicly stated that he hates litigation (his words) and he met with Larry Page recently to discuss ways to "live peaceably together" and avoid unnecessary litigation. Is this sincere or just lip service? I don't know, but if we're playing the game of predicting Apple's future, it's important to the discussion.

Thanks for sharing this. That would be very good news if it's true - for both platforms.

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