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Patent holder attempts to put x-plane out of business (x-plane.com)
10 points by zobzu on Sept 30, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This title isn't quite right. Uniloc does not want to put x-plane out of business. They want to reap some of the profits from the app without doing any work.

They're rent seekers, not enemy combatants.

His "fight to the death" spirit is admirable, but he is turning a simple robbery into mortal combat. I so very much hope he wins big.

They aren't rent seekers. They are protection racket money extortionists.

No, they're classic rent seekers.


...rent-seeking is an attempt to obtain economic rent by manipulating the social or political environment in which economic activities occur...

Many current studies of rent-seeking focus on efforts to capture various monopoly privileges stemming from government regulation of free competition.

In practice, the difference comes to this: Its the government's clubs that finally smash your business, not the troll's.

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