Humans will build colonies off-Earth. And there will be wars there. There will be poverty. There will be starvation. There will be crime. Humans are imperfect beings. This won't mean we've failed, it just means we're imperfect.
The strategy of parasitism is the one strategy that has been around almost since the beginning of life on Earth. Any evolved system which is as efficient as possible is necessarily vulnerable to parasites and so constantly changing and adapting to repel parasites is considered to be one of the most important -- possibly the most important -- of evolutionary drivers.
But parasitical behaviour is fractal. It doesn't just happen to organisms, it happens in social structures too. Sociopathology is a high successful minority strategy and so will always handsomely reward whoever rediscovers it once it has been defeated.
And just as you can see the whole history of sexual reproduction as a response to parasitic organisms, you can see the rise and elaboration of civilisation as a response to parasitic social behaviour.
It will never go away.
(There's also the fact that we evolved as predators, and predators basically live in a strictly zero-sum world vs other members of their own species -- which has irreversibly shaped us to see things in those terms).