I understand that frustration can be hard to deal with but this attitude really doesn't advance your cause. No one likes to talk to whiny emo people. (Except at goth clubs where it can be kind of fun.)
But I'm not frustrated, nor whining. I have no cause to advance; I no longer seek publication of my ideas.
Your comment demonstrates the following thinking I've seen in today's scientific community though: If you have anything to say against blanket rejection of ideas based on subject matter, you're an even bigger crackpot (or whiner) than we assumed you were.
Linking would be going too far off topic, which I won't do. It would indicate an ulterior motive I don't have.
You'd need at least a good laymen's background in relativity theory to understand my work. If you have that, you can give me a way to contact you and I'll do that after this discussion has scrolled off others' lists.