I've been horrified by my experience after moving to NYC. I have been unable to find any providers that offer upstream of > 5 Mbps, and my current provider, time warner, supplies a locked down cable modem that doesn't allow me to port forward anything. Apparently I can trick it into giving me access to a control panel by resetting it with the cable unplugged, but I've been unable to access the internet after trying to put the damned thing into bridge mode.
I would pay double or triple what I used to pay verizon for 25/25 symmetrical service before moving to NYC. Does anyone know of a provider that can offer something like this for less than $150/mo in NYC??? I'm considering getting a VPS just to tunnel to so I can access my home services at a steady domain...
A possibly cheaper option would be to get an unlocked cable modem that is compatible with their service.
In my area anyways, I can go to my TWC "PayXPress" portal (e.g: your online billing control panel) and on their support page they list links for compatible hardware.
Another suggestion: instead of bridge mode, look for an option called "RG Passthrough" or "Gateway Passthrough" or even just "RG enable"... then get your own router and wire the router's WAN port to the 1st ethernet port on your cable modem.
My motorola surfboard SBG-6850 has this option; and it works while bridge mode fails. I only use it because they want $5/mo to enable wireless on my cable modem. That's right, they want $5/mo to enable some hardware I already have.
I remember a time when MODEMs were just that and nothing else. I would be miserable if my ISP forced a router and wireless access point on me. Cheap routers that have to be reset once a week shouldn't be forced on anyone.
My $50 Linksys WRT54GL goes years between resets and then it is only because I am moving.
im in the same fucked up situation as you in NYC with time warner. there's other isp's on my block and rcn said they would wire the building for free, but clarke mgmt sucks balls and said no. were you able to find a modem that worked on their networks?
I would pay double or triple what I used to pay verizon for 25/25 symmetrical service before moving to NYC. Does anyone know of a provider that can offer something like this for less than $150/mo in NYC??? I'm considering getting a VPS just to tunnel to so I can access my home services at a steady domain...