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>Most web developers use a windows or linux machine to develop and a physical device to test.

Maybe I am living in a bubble but every single web developer I have ever met used a Mac. Why ? Because it is the only platform that has Photoshop + a UNIX shell.

I am a web developer, and I've never used photoshop. I rarely touch graphics at all. My sense is that this is true for most or at least many web developers in general.

Me as well, but this too strikes me as a part of the Valley bubble.

It's not - Macs are vastly over-represented in Edinburgh, and in London too.

There's more Macs at the Edinburgh Ruby user group meeting than at the Mac user group meeting!

Not every web developer is a designer.

Also, cygwin.

MSYS is much more workable than Cygwin, but it's still not a panacea. More of a placebo really.

But most web designers would be slicing PSDs at some point, right ?

And Cygwin is a joke. Dealing with the page separator differences alone would make it unbearable.

I believe Aderkent meant that many web developers who are not designers (e.g. me) have no need of Photoshop - so we don't use a Mac.

By the way, Gimp can open psd files. I'm not sure it works perfect though.

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