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Very clever--it's a nice way to integrate fact-searching across many different websites. The interface is effective and doesn't get in the way. I like the branding you've created for yourself as well. The avatar of the Factobot incorporates the logo and that awesome chimpy-looking bot really well.

I like how you let me add to my personal lexicon without having to register, but will that be saved, and be carried over to any account I create if and when I do?

Few nags:

On the tab bar, if "Home" has a bar on the very left, shouldn't FAQ have one on the very right?

On the "ongoing votings" page, it's not immediately clear what I am supposed to do, and the yellow hint box towards the right says the same thing it does when I search for something--hit a checkbox. There aren't any checkboxes. This could be confusing for some.

Great job overall, I see myself using this.

Thanks for the kind words.

Your personal lexicon survives your registration (of course :) For the navigation bar: we tried it, but settled for leaving the bar out (as the menu actually continues on the far right). A matter of taste, I suppose. The ongoing votings section is still sort of under construction, thanks for bringing that up. There is quite some room for improvement there ;)

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