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> The only saving grace is that OSX asks me if I want to allow an app to access that password.

What do you mean with "only". It's asking you exactly for that reason.

I'm not entirely convinced that those dialogs can't be circumvented.

If access for assistive devices has been enabled, you can use UI scripting to click the allow buttons:

security find-generic-password -l AppleID -w & sleep 1; osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to click button 2 of group 1 of window 1 of process "SecurityAgent"'

You could also use something like https://github.com/smerrill/os-x-click even if access for assistive devices wasn't enabled.

    security find-generic-password -l AppleID -w &
    sleep 1
    width=$(osascript -e 'tell app "Finder"
    item 3 of (get bounds of window of desktop)
    x=$(($width / 2 + 155))
    for y in $(seq 300 20 700); do
        ~/bin/click -x $x -y $y
        sleep 0.2

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