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We know Woz is an 'outside looking in' type person. His remarks remind me of all the people who are really upset with Apple for pursuing this lawsuit. People seem to have this conception that Apple saw an opportunity to sue the pants of a harmless company so it did. This is not the case at all. The two corporations were in meetings with lawyers for a year trying to iron out a deal. The deals fell through and they went to court.

The truth is everyone has been and is suing Apple, all the time. http://c4sif.org/2012/04/web-of-tech-patent-lawsuits-infogra... This graphic is now 9 month old. Truth is Apple is the most sued company in tech! I just don't get this 'down with Apple' mentality. It's completely irrational.

When Apple entered the phone telecom industry, it turned telecoms on their head. Apple started to take control from these awful companies (see my article on t-mobile: http://news.nucleusdevelopment.com/2012/09/11/t-mobile-infla...) and give it to consumers. Remember verizon didn't want any part of the iPhone because 'it gave the consumer too much control'?

Google and Samsung have been helping the telecoms regain control, allowing crapware and bloatware to go right back on the phones. That is one of the very things that Apple fought so hard to keep off their phones, and one of the main reasons Verizon didn't initially want Apple as a vendor. Not to mention, The spyware that gets installed with out our knowledge, ie: Carrier IQ. Controlling the software OS on the phones (ei: why it takes so long to get a new version of Android on your existing phone).

There are all sorts of things I disagree with in this comment, but I want to highlight just one:

iPhones (like many Android phones and Blackberries and ...) had Carrier IQ software installed on them. Google-controlled Nexus phones did not.

Moreover, the only reason anyone outside of Carrier IQ, operators, smartphone manufacturers, etc knows anything at all about Carrier IQ is that some people discovered it while trying to reverse-engineer an Android phone.

You may think Apple is a white knight protecting you from the carriers. The truth, as always, is much more complicated.

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