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Do you aim there even if the goalie is hugging the post? What if you're in the slot and he's showing a huge 5-hole? Obviously, you're not going to try to hit the goalie, so that implies some awareness of the goalie's current location and a reaction to that information.

[Actually, I'm just trying to learn your shooting habits so I can inform my goalie brethren. What's your name, and where do you play? :-) ]

If the goalie is hugging one post, I am going for the opposite side. That is my patented wrap-around move since I am not as quick as I once was...the goalie always makes it to the same side so I come out a bit and go opposite top corner.

Huge 5-hole I think I look at where his pads are and then try to shoot in between...maybe that is why I am rarely successful there!

[I play in Toronto, and I have an unusually large amount of penalty minutes and not many goals because I play defense]

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