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A pity that it's just another opinion about that topic. The main reason why "method X" doesn't feel comfortable the same way as coding is, that you code most of your time and trained your brain to think like that. If you teach your brain to work in other methods to generate programs, then you might actually feel more comfortable doing them instead of coding.

I think the 2 main reasons we still write text to talk to our computers lies in a) the training level most creators of new programming languages have in text I/O and b) that it's much easier, at least for computers and software nowadays, to parse text compared to parsing pictures. In fact I'm 100% sure that all visual programming software these days will underneath translate your graphical programs to text or byte strings. So you still interact textwise, it's just hidden underneath.

And because we just talk opinions here, let me add that: I believe that a way to programm with speaking or visual paradigms (maybe not the ones we have today) will probably improve the usability of programming, because untrained people can relate easier to things they can see and "touch", which is in my believe the reason, that the mouse is much more often used then the keyboard, even though it is often less efficient on current computers.

Yes, I don't think we are close yet to anything revolutionary, but, at least intuitive, the combination of visual programming, speak, AR, ILP (and other AI automated programming) can result in something more efficient and/or less error prone in the future. Nothing we have now in visual programming has that but we need to go somewhere from here and textual language are not bringing us enough advantages fast enough to curb the millions of software bugs produced every year.

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