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Have you written about that anywhere? Would be interesting to read.

Your deal almost fell apart because it involved an LLC?

You do an LLC because it has no overhead and pass-through taxes; an S-Corp to issue employee equity and keep pass-through taxes, and a C-corp when you have to. That's not idiotic advice.

Although I've been through the funding process more than once, you really sound like you know it more than I do. But your take seems really biased towards term sheet negotiation. I'm not sure how relevant that is to most entrepreneurs.

No, it was a C-corp. (Again, we were a VC and needed the different classes of stock.) The example is that merely being a C-corp wasn't sufficient.

Again, experienced startup lawyers would have alerted us to this. Mere corporate attorneys would not, and did not, contemplate the edge case I outlined.

Look, if you're happy to bootstrap forever, Chicago's great. But if you even have an eye on VC at any point, GTFO and go to the coasts.

For the record, I agree, and Chicago was an issue when we talked to VC back in '05.

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