Why would anyone click on a link to view a hacked website? If a website has been hacked, then it could also be transmitted malware to viewers' computers, couldn't it?
That's an extremely naive understanding of how exploits work. Your machine is profiled before the content is delivered. Because something is clean for you by no means that there is 'nothing to worry about' for other people.
Does anyone know any of the technical details yet? Was it a DNS hijack or a full server hack?
This appears to have only affected the Arabic version of Aljazeera, not the global English version. Interestingly, it looks like the two sites are running different stacks. The Arabic version appears to be behind a CDN/load-balancer on Linux ("Footprint Distributor V4.8") while the English version is running IIS 6.0 on Windows.
"We have hacked you because your lack of support of Syrian government and militant groups backed by that government. Al Jazeera has been spreading lies. We're compelled to do so on behalf of the Syrian people."
edit: azenned already did: "In response to your attitude against Syria, ( Syrian people and Government ) and your support to the Terrorist & Armed Groups, and sharing Fake news, your site has been hacked and this is our response to you. ( Al Rashedon hakcker group.)" -- http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4475743
In response to your stands against Syria (people and government) and special encouragement to armed terrorist organizations, and posting false news.
Your website was hacked and this is our response to you.
Translation : In response to your attitude against Syria, ( Syrian people and Government ) and your support to the Terrorist & Armed Groups, and sharing Fake news, your site has been hacked and this is our response to you. ( Al Rashedon hakcker group.)
they say: "this is a response to your stance against Syria (people and government) , and your support for terrorists and armed groups, and for posting fabricated and fake news.
You have been hacked, and this is our answer"
Got the original text from The Syrian Electronic Army -
Syrian Electronic Army Message to Al Jazeera Network
الى أداة القتل الإعلامي "الجزيرة"
لقد بلغ فيكم الإنحدار الأخلاقي والمهني الى حد الحضيض , فبدل أن تكونوا وسيلة إعلام تنقل الحقائق أصبحتم وسيلة للترويج عن جرائم المسلحين الذين عاثوا في أرض سورية فساداً وقتلاً وسفكاً لدماء وبإشرافكم وتمويلكم وانحطاطكم الإخلاقي ,
اليوم تمكن الجيش السوري الإلكتروني من اختراق موقعكم ولكن حذار ان يخترق الجيش العربي السوري أرضكم , ويذيقكم كأس الموت التي تسقونها للشعب السوري بنفاقكم وكذبكم ,
واليوم اذا تمكنتم من تشويه الحقيقة ونشر شائعات عن قرب دخول عصابات ما يسمى " الجيش السوري الحر " الى العاصمة دمشق , فنؤكد لكم اننا اخترقناكم من قلب العاصمة دمشق , التي يحميها من الجيش العربي السوري كما يحمي كل شبر من أرض سورية العظيمة بقيادة الفريق الركن رئيس الجمهورية العربية السورية بشار حافظ الأسد ,
وكما أعلنها الأسد امام الكون وقال لكم ولأمثالكم من حثالة التاريخ : خسئتم , نؤكد لكم انكم خسئتم بحق ودماء شهدائنا لن ننساها طالما حيينا
وعهركم الإعلامي الذ يرعاه حمدكم الذي انقلب على والده سيكون سبب غضب عربي على كل عامل في هذه المؤسسة الإرهابية
وختاما نقولها باللهجة العامية السوري المحببة : الله محي الجيش ,,
الجيش السوري الإلكتروني مر من هنا ...
and translation according to Google translate -
Syrian Electronic Army Message to Al Jazeera Network
To media killings tool "island"
I was moral regression in you and vocational pretty trashed, and instead of you to be a media movement of the facts have become a way to promote the gunmen who went on crimes in the land of Syria havoc and killed and Svka blood, Bahravkm, Tamweelcom moral Anahtatkm,
Today e enables the Syrian army from penetrating your site, but beware that penetrates the Syrian Arab army your land, and Ivikkm Cup-Tsagunha death of the Syrian people Bnfaqkm and Kzpkm,
Today, if you were able to distort the truth and spreading rumors about the imminent entry gangs of so-called "Free Syrian Army" to the capital Damascus, Venakd you that we Achterguenakm from the heart of the capital, Damascus, which is protected from the Syrian Arab army also protects every inch of the land of Syria great led Lt. Gen. President the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad,
As announced by Assad in front of the universe and you and like you said from the scum of history: Khositm, we assure you that you truly Khositm and blood of our martyrs will not forget as long as we live
And Ahrkm the tastiest sponsored media Hmedkm which capsized and his father will be the cause of Arab anger on every worker in this terrorist enterprise
Finally we say vernacular Syrian favorite: God Mohi army,
Syrian army-mail over here ...
These are no "hackers" if they do this for a violent and evil dictator. They are the equivalent of the propaganda sheep in the third reich and nothing more. They are on the wrong side of history, that's clear, bargains in an evil, inhuman game.