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>No-one pretends that was about western superiority - just about killing them without losing our own soldiers.

Why? Are civillians targets to be killed in a war?

"Killing them without losing our own soldiers" is the worst thing I've ever heard --really can justify just about anything. In every other name, this is a war crime (as was Dresden).

End of story.

>And using an inflated number (IIRC the accepted historical count is about 230,000, including military) only harms your argument.

Yes, I can see how 300,000 vs 230,000 changes the core of the issue. /s

>"Killing them without losing our own soldiers" is the worst thing I've ever heard --really can justify just about anything. In every other name, this is a war crime (as was Dresden).

Suppose you're right. The point is still that it had nothing to do with western superiority or promoting the skeptical worldview.

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