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Imagine an ad. A woman buys a car, comes back home, shows it to her husband, which takes them for a ride. The woman says: "Hey, isn't that nice for the price tag?". The guy thinks a bit, then at the first turn, violently drops the woman out of the car, and says, grinning ear to ear while he thoroughly enjoys the moment: "Now, that's perfect".

This ad would not stand a single second before a horde of people would yell at how sexist this is and the media would bathe in the scandal.

Yet it's been a few years the exact opposite ad[0] airs in France, daily. That's not the only one, there are a shitload of ads that market men as inherently stupid and worthless fools (at best), yet the CSA[1] regularly bans content that would be subject to doubtful interpretations of women status. It turns out in some cases that animals just seem to deserve better protection than men.

I'm not quite sure the solution to sexism is glorifying women while vilifying men (which just reads like more sexism — i.e differentiating statuses between genders — either way). We are different in a few ways for sure, just not better or worse, but can't we just all finally see each other as, you know, human beings, and respect each other as such?

[0] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oCt-xb_ecg

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conseil_sup%C3%A9rieur_de_l%27a...

When will people stand up for white men :c

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